Are you planning a spiritual getaway to the serene hills of Manali? This picturesque town in Himachal Pradesh is not only known for its natural beauty, but also its rich cultural heritage, including several ancient and beautiful temples. Join me as I take you on a virtual tour of the 10 most stunning and sacred temples you absolutely must visit on your trip to Manali.

Hadimba Temple

Hadimba Temple

Nestled in the middle of a lush forest, the intricately carved wooden Hadimba Temple is a sight to behold. Dedicated to Hidimba Devi, wife of Bhima from the epic Mahabharata, this 16th century pagoda-style temple is one of Manali’s top attractions. Many believe praying here fulfills one’s wishes.


Manu Temple

Manu Temple<br />

According to legend, this is the very spot where sage Manu meditated after stepping off his ark following the great flood mentioned in Hindu scriptures. The Manu Temple is therefore considered the abode of the progenitor of mankind and is built in a unique wooden architectural style.


Vashisht Temple

Vashisht Temple

Dedicated to the great sage Vashisht, this ancient stone temple features a beautifully engraved exterior and houses idols of Lord Rama and the sage. It’s located right next to sulfurous hot springs believed to have medicinal properties, making it a popular pilgrimage and tourist spot.


Gauri Shankar Temple

Gauri Shankar Temple

Situated in the quaint village of Naggar, the 12th century Gauri Shankar Temple is known for its exquisite stone sculptures depicting various Hindu deities and mythological scenes. The serene, spiritual atmosphere here is said to be infused with the divine presence of Lord Shiva and Goddess Gauri.

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